Thursday, March 19, 2020

Week 3 - Thoughts and Reflection

I am now three weeks into this course, and with each week, I am learning more and more about inquiry-based learning, but I feel like I’m just skimming the surface and there is so much more to learn. My thoughts on inquiry-based learning have changed as I am learning more about inquiry. Coming into this course, I had the preconceived notion that inquiry learning is mostly student-centered and the role of the teacher is more of that as a facilitator. While that isn’t necessarily wrong, I’ve learning that inquiry-based learning is much more.

In week two, I learned the importance of developing community and how it is needed to make inquiry learning successful. In an inquiry-based classroom, students are going to be taking risks and stepping out of their comfort zones. They need to feel a sense of security and safety and that their opinions matter. If this isn’t established early on, it is going to be hard to implement inquiry learning. In addition, when developing community, it is important to establish expectations starting on day one.

Another topic in week two that I found very helpful in my understanding of inquiry learning was the process skills demonstrated in the abilities necessary to do inquiry and the understandings about inquiry. Analyzing a social studies unit in Discovery Education’s “techbook” (2020) really helped me to understand what the abilities and understandings of inquiry can look like and how this can be applied in a classroom setting.

Getting to read about the three classroom case studies (2006) in week three really helped me to reflect on the essential features of classroom inquiry and different types of inquiry-based learning. This helped me to see that inquiry learning isn’t just student-centered (open inquiry). It can also be teacher-centered (structured inquiry) and teacher-student shared (guided inquiry).

Going forward, here are some questions I still have about inquiry-based learning:
1.     What strategies are available to develop meaningful, content-driven questions?
2.     Are there Web 2.0 tools available to engage students in inquiry-based learning?

BSCS. (2006). Why does Inquiry Matter?. Dubuque: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.

Geography of the United States and Canada. (2020). Retrieved March 9, 2020, from Discovery Education website:

Wilkes University (2020). Unit 2, Topic A: Developing Community in an Inquiry Based Classroom. In EDIM 513: Inquiry Based Learning: Spring 2020 [Course content]. Retrieved from

Wilkes University (2020). Unit 2, Topic B: Abilities and Understandings of Inquiry. In EDIM 513: Inquiry Based Learning: Spring 2020 [Course content]. Retrieved from

Wilkes University (2020). Unit 3, Topic A: Abilities, Understandings, and Process Skills in the Classroom. In EDIM 513: Inquiry Based Learning: Spring 2020 [Course content]. Retrieved from

Wilkes University (2020). Unit 3, Topic C: Types of Inquiry Based Learning. In EDIM 513: Inquiry Based Learning: Spring 2020 [Course content]. Retrieved from

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